Join your crunchy boys of the APDC as they review the season 3 episode, “The Ultimate Weapon,” from the 1986 classic animated series, The Transformers!
Lots of nudity in Iceland!! Another bite of the apple!! New Patron!! Palm trees in the Netherlands?! Professor Thweatt’s history class!! First Aid: Pacifist!! Cycle of violence: We’re here for it!! Why is Galvatron here!?! Hot Rod: Sad for himself!! Protectobots form armless Defensor!! Galvatron’s Ultimate MacGuffin?! Vortex is so dumb!! Switchin’ cogs all willy-nilly!! We miss nothing; never have never will!!!
COCKTAIL – 10:00 SHOUT OUTS – 15:30 REVIEW – 19:50 REAL WORLD – 1:19:22 SCRIPT DEVIATIONS – 1:24:50 RATE THE SCHEME – 1:25:12 ICONIC MOMENT – 1:26:12
We tried this one before. WAY back in March of 2020, but I don’t think I did the drink justice. So this is another bite at the apple, just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. Which is my girlfriend’s birthday.
And this is literally from the impetus of this whole thing, the book “Jigger, Beaker, and Glass,” which Caleb bought me years ago, collecting the stories of hugely privileged white dudes drinking around the world in the 1920s and 30s.
“From the Bar the Old Kelly’s Ritz.”
· 2 oz. (60 ml) gin
· 1 oz. (30 ml) lime juice
· ½ oz. (15 ml) crème de menthe
· ¼ oz. (7 ml) simple
“Mix with shaved ice, and frappe diligently—preferably with an electric machine like The Mixer; shake through a sieve into a tall cocktail glass with a stem, garnish with a clover leaf or shamrock—we used a sprig of mint.”