Join your harmonic heroes of the APDC plus special guest Mike Seibert as the review the season 3 episode, "Carnage in C-Minor,” from the 1986 classic animated series, The Transformers!
Arguably bad, sexually charged!!! You down with LLC?!! Mike Seibert: 2 Mikes 2 Furious!! Opera Trivia!! Buy us a drink: dealer’s choice!! Magnus speaks jive!! Dough-4-Joe!! Soundwave: Horny on Main!!! Harmonic weapons!! Tubas full of vomit!!
OPERA TRIVIA – 29:45 COCKTAIL – 42:05 SHOUT OUTS – 46:50 REVIEW – 56:00
We have a new BUY US A DRINK cocktail here, from Big Ken Bockelmann! He bought us a drink but in a new wrinkle for us he said it was dealer’s choice! So I picked one classic cocktail we haven’t had on the show yet. I hope he likes my choice. Today we have a hot mess of an episode, so I chose a hot mess of a cocktail:
You all know this frat boy drink. It’s all your standard white liquors with citrus mixer, basically. It does strike me as very 70s and 80s, so that’s pretty much why I put it on here. Also I haven’t had one since I was maybe 22? I actually dialed back the booze amounts, usually everything but the cola is a smooth ¾ oz.
· ½ oz. (30 ml) vodka
· ½ oz. white rum
· ½ oz. silver tequila
· ½ oz. gin
· ½ oz. triple sec
· ¾ oz. (45 ml) simple syrup
· ¾ oz. lemon juice
· Cola
o Shake all the ingredients but the soda with ice and pour into a Collins glass over fresh ice
o Top with cola and slide your straw down to gently mix so it looks like, obviously, iced tea
o Garnish with a lemon wedge
What else is there to say about it? It’s just its own thang.
Thank you Big KEN for BUYING US A DRINK!