Join your heady jefe heroes of the APDC as they cover the FINALE of the US G1 series episode, “The Rebirth pt. 3” from the 1987 classic animated series The Transformers!
Hide and freak!! Scorponok!! YouTube separation anxiety videos for dogs!!! Don’t do necromancy!! Bot or Not?! Galvatron: bot-supremacist!! Monzo, start with the boy!!! Sparkplug turned MAGA?!? Headmaster Russian dolls!! Reverse polarities… AGAIN!! It’s the Golden Age, Baby!!! In the Real World! Iconic Moments!! Script Deviations!! You just opened a worm can!!!
COCKTAIL – 19:30 BOT OR NOT – 29:20 REVIEW – 43:30 REAL WORLD – 1:37:00 SCRIPT DEVIATIONS – 1:51:00 RATE THE SCHEME – 1:55:00 ICONIC MOMENT – 1:56:00
Since it’s a cousin cocktail to the Archangel, I chose the archdemon Astaroth for the name. He is the Great Duke of Hell, and one of the legs in the Evil Trinity, along with Lucifer and Beelzebub. If you wish to invoke Astaroth it must be through necromantic divination. Sidebar – you probably don’t want to do necromancy, it’s really hard. Astaroth teaches all the sciences and is keeper of the secrets of the past, present, and future. He also encourages slothfulness and laziness. Which, you’ll see in a second, is one of the reasons I chose him as the titular demon of this cocktail.
· 2 oz. (60 ml) London Dry Gin
· ¾ oz. (45 ml) Aperol
· ½ oz. (30 ml) SLOE gin (get it? Laziness?)
· Cucumber slices
· Strawberry slices
o Muddle 1-2 cucumber slices and 2-3 strawberries in a cocktail mixing glass
o Add remaining ingredients
o Stir with ice until well chilled
o Strain into a chilled coupe
o Garnish with an EVIL cucumber wheel sourced from inside the Infernal Pit, grown by a blind demi lich!