Join your LA-LA Land Lads of the APDC as they cover S2, Ep#55, “Hoist Goes Hollywood,” from the 1985 animated classic series, The Transformers!
Not bad-good…just bad-BAD!!! Hollywood stories!! On my god, so much wrapping paper!!! Hoop deVilles!! Ryan Jett: Master of Finance!! You’re not a vehicle-robot!! Why is there a sky, outside?!? Let’s build a bridge over Dirge!! Megatron has lost his goddamn mind!!! Get those negatives, NOW!!! Script Deviations? Iconic Moments!! In the Real World!! Rate the Scheme!!! Good job, Moist!!
This is a refreshing drink meant to be enjoyed on a hot day, of which Texas has plenty.
· 1 ½ oz. (45 ml) tequila
· 1 oz. (30) lime juice
· ½ oz. (15) Cointreau (or Triple Sec)
· ½ oz. agave syrup
· Dash of orange bitters
o This drink is built in the glass
o Fill a highball with ice
o Add all ingredients and stir to combine
o Top with mineral water (about ½ the cocktail)
§ The classic brand of mineral water used for this drink is Topo Chico
o Stir gently and serve with lime wedges
This is a modified version of the traditional recipe, which is just equal parts tequila and lime, then filled with mineral water.
Is this a complex drink experience? Not at all. It’s just a fresh, thirst-quenching, enjoyable experience that asks nothing from you.
Clark Kent: Assistant Director.