Join your Winter Break Buds for their HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR, as they review S2, EP21, of the 1985 classic animated series, The Transformers, “Desertion of the Dinobots, pt 1.” Yuuuule love it!
Home Alone…again!! Ryan’s orphan dreams! Clark Griswold's Egg Nog!! Icelandic Yule Lads!!! Feline Fashion Police!! Nothing is doing anything!!! ICELANDIC Yule Lads!! FUN-A-RAMA! Sparkplug attends WRENCH-CON!!! Me, Slag, no like anything! Top That!! Powerglide gets a-HEAD!! Shockwave holds himself!! I Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore!!! Santa Claus: The Movie!! If there’s hair, there’s crabs up there!!! ICELANDIC YULE LADS!!!
Via the HOW TO DRINK channel on YouTube (I will link on our website)
This is a batch recipe – Makes about 1 ½ quarts (1.5 liters)
• 4 Egg Whites
o Beat to soft peaks
§ Soft peaks don’t hold their shape when you invert the mixing whisk
• 1 Tbs. (12.5 g) Sugar
o Beat to stiff peaks
§ Take off the mixing whisk, the peaks should hold up against gravity
o Scrape the whites into another bowl and set aside
• Now mix:
o 4 egg yolks
o ¼ c (50 g) sugar
§ Until the yolks noticeably pale in color
o Then add and mix on low:
o 2 c (475 ml) whole milk
o 1 c (237 ml) heavy cream
o 1 c (237 ml) Bourbon (Four Roses)
o ½ c (100 ml) Rum (Cruzan Aged Rum)
o Pinch of Salt
o Nutmeg to taste (1/2 tsp)
• Fold in egg whites – I used the paddle attachment on my KitchenAid, very slowly
• Serve in a moose cup with nutmeg for garnish
• This eggnog is best if you let it sit in the fridge for at least a week, and supposedly it’s the best after 3 weeks, I’ll let you guys know; I made this 5 days ago
o Lots of people age their eggnog for up to a year
o There’s enough booze in there that it’s sterile and safe
§ Microbiologists at Rockefeller University make this every year, and even tried injecting it with salmonella, but it self-sterilized within a few days
· In preparation for this recipe I came across some strange stuff about Christmas mythology in other countries. I think the most interesting was the Icelandic Yule Lads. You know these guys?
o Their mother is a giant hag who asks parents to give her their children so she can eat them
o And they have a giant pet Yule Cat who lurks around the countryside and eats people who have not received any new clothes to wear before Christmas Eve
§ Which is like, some extreme fashion policing
§ Making it doubly worse is that it appears to be created by farmers as a capitalist threat to get their workers to finish processing the autumn wool before Christmas
o Anyway, the lads, there are 13 of them they basically just harass people and leave small gifts inside children’s shoes, unless those children are disobedient, then they get a potato, which is like, how’s that a punishment, because free potato
o It sounds cute, but if that were real it would be terrifying
o It’s a good thing none of that is real and we’ll never have to worry about it
Who want's to go to FUN-A-RAMA PARK? I hear they have POPCORN.
And a…magic carousel?
Here’s our man Sparkplug coming back from WrenchCon. He cleans up nice, doesn’t he?
I applaud Hoist’s impromptu stretcher, here, but that plane doesn’t belong to you, sir.
Have you seen Teen Witch? If not, what are you even doing with your life?
I’m not sure about this Great Value brand Megatron.
Shockwave holding himself. How lewd.