Join your burden beset bros of the APDC as they review “The Burden Hardest to Bear” from the 1986 classic animated series, The Transformers!
California sober!! Thank god, it’s Toei!! Bow twice, clap twice, and bow again!!! Bot or Not Game!! Mt Fuji! Bullet trains!! Shinto shrines!! Kendo!! Weird half-ass battles!! Bad for business!!! Dick Cheney: Evil Richard Dreyfuss!! Stunticons steal the Matrix!!! Rodimus: What’s the problem?! Galvatron’s f’ed up throne room!! Scourge: Cronenberg filth!! Put victory out of your mind!! It’s not Ryan’s fault, it’s society!!!
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SHOUT OUTS – 9:30 COCKTAIL – 10.23 BOT OR NOT GAME – 18:30 REVIEW – 29:00 REAL WORLD – 1:12:00 SCRIPT DEVIATIONS – 1:19:30 RATE THE SCHEME – 1:20:18 ICONIC MOMENT – 1:21:30
This cocktail was created by innovative British bartended Dick Bradsell in the 1980s. Bradsell pretty much reinvigorated the cocktail scene in Britain in the 80s, and created several modern classics, including The Bramble (gin/blackberry liqueur cocktail) which is one on my list for us to try. To make this drink you will need:
· ¾ oz. (22 ml) 100 proof vodka
· ¾ oz. coffee liqueur, like Kaluha
· 1 oz. (30 ml) cold brew concentrate (Jeffrey Morganthaller’s recipe)
o 1 lb (500 g) rough ground coffee
o 2 quarts of water
§ Let steep overnight and strain through a coffee filter
§ This will make a truly insane amount of concentrate. I cut it by 75% and I still have more than I can use. But then I don’t drink coffee, so.
Combine all ingredients in a shaker, and twist a lemon peel over it to express the citrus oils. Shake with ice and strain into a chilled coupe glass. Or…if you must, one of those awful conical martini glasses. Garnish with 3 coffee beans.
This fucking thing is so goddamn good. Oh my stars and garters. I love this. I think I’m going to make some coffee ice cream and incorporate these two together.
What is with the Wreck-Gar throne? And these vampire faces? HOLES?!