Join your basement-dwellers of the APDC plus special guest Greig Tansley as they review the season 3 episode, “The Dweller in the Depths,” from the 1986 animated classic series, The Transformers!
Purple Jesus!!! Two Toei in a row!! Greig Tansley of 7 Day Weekends, Reanimated...and MORE!! Toowoomba, if necessary!! The power core!! Call McDonald’s, Ryan’s lovin’ it!! Jungle Juice!!! Galvatron’s going to get cancelled!! Weird techno-cocoon-nest-thing!!! Trans-organics!! In the real world!! Iconic Moments!! Script Deviations!! It’s an embarrassment of riches!!!
13:40 – TF REANIMATED, 26:12 – COCKTAIL, 36:43 – SHOUTS OUT, 38:33 – REVIEW, 1:28:29 – REAL WORLD, 1:42:28 – RATE THE SCHEME, 1:43:44 – ICONIC MOMENT
The origin for this drink is nebulous, but it has several different forms, the most popular on the internet as a college party drink made with the cheapest ingredients possible in a large trashcan. Like jungle juice. Sidebar, I can’t find any receipts that “jungle juice” has racial connotations, but it isn’t unlikely. At any rate! The Purple Jesus cheap version is grape juice, vodka, and Sprite. There is also some indication that it may have origins half a century ago in Southwestern, specifically Texan hobo communities where concentrated grape juice was mixed with vodka in the bottle. Second sidebar, “hobo” is not historically a pejorative term—it refers to an unhoused person who travels for work. Enough foreplay, I hear you saying, let’s get to the fucking.
Here’s my version, which is fairly low ABV:
· 2 oz. (60 ml) vodka – I used Tito’s
· 3 oz. (90 ml) grape juice
o I went ahead an juiced actual black grapes, I happened to serendipitously buy a bag this week when we already had almost a full one in the fridge, so it worked out well
· 2 oz. ginger ale, or to taste
Shake vodka and grape juice in a shaker with ice and strain into a Collins glass over fresh ice, then fill with ginger ale to taste. Garnish with grapes on a skewer.
When I read about this I thought I would hate it, but I find this delicious.
WWI masks were made for soldiers who were disfigured from that awful conflict. https://daily.jstor.org/how-masks-of-mutilated-wwi-soldiers-haunted-postwar-culture/
If you have any interest in WWI history and find yourself near Kansas City, MO, I highly recommend checking out the National WWI Museum. https://theworldwar.org/
Nazi dueling scars were totally a thing. https://discover.hubpages.com/education/Dueling-Scars-The-Nazi-Officer-Badge-of-Honor