Join your Euro-trash trio of the APDC as they cover S2, Ep60, “Trans-Europe Express,” from the 1985 classic animated series, The Transformers!
S’up!!! TFCon Baltimore Recap!! Friends! Food!! Fandom!!! VOMIT!!!! Shout-Outs!!! Ryan offends the Russians!! Dandelion Wine!! Ryan’s Birthday!! Professor Baggy Clothes!! These aren’t racers, they’re Stunticons!! The Pearl of Bahoudin!! This announcer is insane!! Jungle Love!! In the Real World!! Iconic Moments!! Script Deviations!! For the ROYALTY!!!
This is my own vintage. It’s the first time I’ve ever tried making dandelion wine, I got the hankering to try it this past spring after rereading the 1957 Ray Bradbury novel by the same name. I’ve always loved Bradbury’s work, especially his talent for making you feel nostalgic for a time in which you never lived. “Dandelion Wine” is set in the summer of 1928 in the fictional Green Town, Illinois, based on Bradbury’s boyhood home town of Waukegan, Illinois. This is like summer sunshine in a bottle.
Aaron got Ryan Jetfire and Caleb gave him Grimlock for his 44th birthday. G1 forev’ah!
Professor Archaeologist Rumpled DJ
This character would definitely be played by Nick Nolte in a live-action version.
That geography checks out.