Say our names and join the crew of the Autopod Decepticast as they review the 1984 animated classic G1 episode More Than Meets the Eye part 3.
It’s an APDC Dance Party!! No wonder Hammer went broke!! Gifts from @retrocabal!! Gifts for Aaron!!! Well, ACTUALLY, it was 59.99 seconds! Warp in the Sky!! Ironhide’s War Stories!!! “Let’s get outta here!” Witwicky weirdo hands!! Ravage speaks!!! Antroid picnic!! Decoy Decepticons!!! Puffy Prime!! Rocket pack!! Prime pride fuckin’ with him!!! Megatron’s sassy pose!! Mirage saves pretty much everything!!! Missing you!! All of Me!!! George Burns!!!
Jett’s dance party outfit.
Tom Whalen’s Transformers poster from our friend @retrocabal.
Maybe weird hands just run in the Witwicky family.
Wow. We haven’t seen this movie in easily 30 years and…whew…it does not look good. Lily Tomlin seems like she downed a keg of cough syrup before her performance.
This film is actually remarkably historically accurate.
The film that launched careers for Kevin Bacon, Ellen Barkin, Paul Reiser, Mickey Rourke and more! It's a lively, poignant tale of friends trying to recapture their lost innocence in 1959 Baltimore.