Join the jet-setting APDC crew as they go to TFCON Chicago and chair a panel about some of the best Mental Movie Moments.
Audio from our panel at TFCon Chicago!! This movie is gleefully unhinged!! “D” is for, “Danger!!” Deal or Can’t Deal!! Script Deviations: Greatest Hits!! Roll Call: Voice Actor Trivia!! All this…and MORE!! Also, our store is live on our website!!
NOTE: The con was nice enough to shoot our panel on video for us, and we do hope to have that available soon.
We are the Autopod Decepticast, your weekly podcast that delivers a minute-by-minute breakdown of the 1986 classic, "The Transformers: The Movie." And we went to TFCon Chicago 2018! Join our journey!
Did we kill it? Oh, don’t you know we did.
The Sunday Podcast Roundtable.
Floro Dery’s Dragon Beast.