Join the doomed crew of the APDC shuttle as they try scrubbing out, then soaking out, all the details from minute 67 of the 1986 animated classic, The Transformers: The Movie.
A “Challenging” intro!! Ultra Magnus: “You’re still alive!” But his Matrix-hole is empty!! Where is Galvatron . . . WHERE IS HE!?! Wreck-Gar: “Kill the Grand Poobah!” Script Deviations: Carbon-wolves and the Crystal Castles of Zumba!!! Wheelie sings the Junkion Minnow song!!! Eliminates the toughest stains!!!
Eliminate even the toughest stains? Is this a Mandela Effect scenario?
Yikes. We remember this being hilarious as teenagers and, 3 options:
1. Teenage boys laugh at anything
2. What are now trite SNL skits because of imitation were actually cutting edge at the time
3. SNL was never actually funny