Join the water-logged crew of the S.S. Autopod Decepticast as they cover the underwater adventures of minute 47 of The Transformers: The Movie.
Caleb on his deathbed!!! The third return of da '85 Bears Rule 76!!! Hot Rod buzzes metallic tendrills!!! Do Transformers breathe?!! Kup--Have some manners!!! The Quintessa breakdown!!!
No matter where you go, there you are.
Why would a shark or a squid roar? I mean, definitively sharks cannot; I guess I can't speak to what robotic, alien squids can do.
Aaron and I don't care what anyone says; this game is fun. Here's a video of a pretty impressive speed run by DonkeyKongGenius.
Ryan's Floro Dery-esque design for the "CURIOUS METALLIC "PEEPER" FISH. The fish are cigar-shaped, long nosed, one-eyed and they PEEP, PEEP, PEEP like tinny chickens..."
Here's Ryan's YouTube channel. It's not terrible.
This is a hopefully amusing video I made years ago, and I've since lost the source material, so it's a far from perfect edit. And here's a fun game: "Count the Continuity Errors!"
We don't need another hero.