Join the APDC team as they cover the action-packed minute 43 of 1986's "The Transformers: The Movie."
Listener Appreciation... is it going to happen?! Kup & Hot Rod take evasive action! The history of reverse polarity! Cyclonus attacks... he’s super fast!! Crash landing on Quintessa! We bastardize Australian culture!! Script Deviations: moleculon missiles and lobster-claw grabbers!! Galvatron: One down, one to go!!!
We inverted polarities! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ReversePolarity
One of the best lines in film history.
"220, 221, whatever it takes."
Oh, gods, the "Call of the Primatives" comes up again. "Of course, the reverse switch, why didn't I think of that?!" Grimlock must have learned from Kup.