Join the APDC team as they uncover all the nuance and subtext behind minute 35 of The Transformers: The Movie.
Ninety years of friendship! Unicron... sneaks up on everything! Jazz & Cliffjumper... so incompetent!! Meanwhile back on Earth... Blaster gets a signal! Ultra Magnus... lots to deal with! Police Academy... is all felonies!!! Voice Actors... Casey Kasem revisited!! Drunk Megatron... “Cybertron, the Land of Metal Moon”!! Script Deviations... prepare an offering of energon for Ingestor... like soda oil... through a straw!!! Moonbase One, is DONE!!!
Nintendo (Midway/Data East - 1988).
This is the children's book Caleb was talking about, part of the Transformers series by Big Looker.
Episode #34 of the show, "Microbots," where Perceptor, Bumblebee, and Brawn appear to take a carnival ride inside Megatron.